Odyssey 2022 welcomes sponsorships from industry and organizations. Sponsors are acknowledged on the conference website and in some of the publication materials. Additionally, depending on the sponsorship level, a working booth can be provided. There are three sponsorship levels:
The sponsor’s logo will be included on the Odyssey 2022 workshop website and in the Final Program booklet. One page introduction of the sponsor will be included in the registration bag.
Gold Level: US$ 6,000 or above
The sponsor’s logo will appear in the conference banners, in addition to being included on the Odyssey 2022 workshop website and in the Final Program booklet. One page introduction and gifts with the logo of the sponsor will be included in the registration bag.
The sponsor’s logo will appear in the conference banners, in addition to being included on the Odyssey 2022 workshop website and in the Final Program booklet. Additionally, they will be provided with a table at the conference, upon request, for promotional or exhibition purposes. One page introduction, gifts with the logo, and handbooks of the sponsor will be included in the registration bag.
Odyssey 2022 workshop also welcomes sponsorships for the Best Paper Awards, for the Social Events and for the Banquet. Such sponsorships will be prominently acknowledged.
Should you be interested in sponsoring the conference, please contact:
Meng Sun, http://www.odyssey2022.org/
E-mails: sunmengccjs@163.com